When you are in the process of considering the correct blockchain you must choose one that fulfils your basic needs and is appropriate to your industry. Below are some of the common questions used to determine which blockchain solution ideal for your project:
- Do you need smart contracts? If so, why?
- What is the purpose of your blockchain?
- Do you require an ICO for funding?
- Do you have a proper legal structure to launch a token?
- Does your project require custom apps?
- What is your jurisdiction?
- Have you started building the community in Bitcointalk, Slack, Discord, etc.
- Does your project have active developers to assist with ongoing updates and integration?
- What is your initial budget to launch a MVB (minium viable blockchain)?
- What type of token are you launching? i.e. security, asset, or utility token
Once you have answered these questions, contact a ChainZilla representative in order to schedule an initial consultation. Our team of specialist will ensure you are delivered a tailored strategy to tackle all of the challenges that are unique to your project.
Email: contact@chainzilla.io